2022-08-31 05:59:07
Java 中字节缓冲器
ByteBuffer 类很重要,因为它构成了在 Java 中使用通道的基础。ByteBuffer 类定义了对字节缓冲区的六类操作,如 Java 7 文档中所述:
Example code : Putting Bytes into a buffer.
// Create an empty ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
// Get the buffer's capacity
int capacity = bbuf.capacity(); // 10
// Use the absolute put(int, byte).
// This method does not affect the position.
bbuf.put(0, (byte)0xFF); // position=0
// Set the position
// Use the relative put(byte)
// Get the new position
int pos = bbuf.position(); // 6
// Get remaining byte count
int rem = bbuf.remaining(); // 4
// Set the limit
bbuf.limit(7); // remaining=1
// This convenience method sets the position to 0
bbuf.rewind(); // remaining=7