下面是如何单元测试 getBooleanFromRequest 方法的示例
// static import allows for more concise code (createMock etc.)
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
// other imports omitted
public class MyServletMock
public void test1()
// Step 1 - create the mock object
HttpServletRequest req = createMock(HttpServletRequest.class);
// Step 2 - record the expected behavior
// to test true, expect to be called with "param1" and if so return true
// Note that the method under test calls getParameter twice (really
// necessary?) so we must relax the restriction and program the mock
// to allow this call either once or twice
expect(req.getParameter("param1")).andReturn("true").times(1, 2);
// program the mock to return false for param2
expect(req.getParameter("param2")).andReturn("false").times(1, 2);
// switch the mock to replay state
// now run the test. The method will call getParameter twice
Boolean bool1 = getBooleanFromRequest(req, "param1");
Boolean bool2 = getBooleanFromRequest(req, "param2");
// call one more time to watch test fail, just to liven things up
// call was not programmed in the record phase so test blows up
getBooleanFromRequest(req, "bogus");