在 Java 中复制对象

2022-09-02 02:12:10


我以为我需要使用 clone() 方法,但这是受保护的。在网络上做了一些研究后,我可以看到这可以在我的课堂上使用公共方法覆盖。但是我找不到如何做到这一点的解释。这是怎么做到的呢?


答案 1

使用复制构造函数的另一个选项(来自 Java 实践):

public final class Galaxy {

    public Galaxy (double aMass, String aName) {
        fMass = aMass;
        fName = aName;

    * Copy constructor.
    public Galaxy(Galaxy aGalaxy) {
        this(aGalaxy.getMass(), aGalaxy.getName());
        //no defensive copies are created here, since 
        //there are no mutable object fields (String is immutable)

    * Alternative style for a copy constructor, using a static newInstance
    * method.
    public static Galaxy newInstance(Galaxy aGalaxy) {
        return new Galaxy(aGalaxy.getMass(), aGalaxy.getName());

    public double getMass() {
        return fMass;

    * This is the only method which changes the state of a Galaxy
    * object. If this method were removed, then a copy constructor
    * would not be provided either, since immutable objects do not
    * need a copy constructor.
    public void setMass( double aMass ){
        fMass = aMass;

    public String getName() {
        return fName;

    // PRIVATE /////
    private double fMass;
    private final String fName;

    * Test harness.
    public static void main (String... aArguments){
        Galaxy m101 = new Galaxy(15.0, "M101");

        Galaxy m101CopyOne = new Galaxy(m101);
        System.out.println("M101 mass: " + m101.getMass());
        System.out.println("M101Copy mass: " + m101CopyOne.getMass());

        Galaxy m101CopyTwo = Galaxy.newInstance(m101);
        System.out.println("M101 mass: " + m101.getMass());
        System.out.println("M101CopyTwo mass: " + m101CopyTwo.getMass());

答案 2


public class C implements Cloneable {
    @Override public C clone() {
        try {
            final C result = (C) super.clone();
            // copy fields that need to be copied here!
            return result;
        } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
            throw new AssertionError();

注意“复制字段...这里!“部分。初始值只是一个浅层副本,这意味着如果存在对某个对象的引用,则原始对象和将共享同一对象。例如,如果包含,您可能希望复制它。resultresultCprivate int[] data

final C result = (C) super.clone();
result.data = data.clone();
return result;



public class C {
    public C(final C c) {
        // initialize this with c


public class C {
    public static C newInstance(final C c) {
        return new C(c);

    private C(final C c) {
        // initialize this with c

这两种方法都有各自的属性。 很好,因为它是一种方法,所以你不必知道确切的类型。最后,您应该始终以“完美”的副本结束。复制构造函数很好,因为调用方有机会做出决定,正如Java集合所看到的那样。clone

final List c = ... 
// Got c from somewhere else, could be anything.
// Maybe too slow for what we're trying to do?

final List myC = new ArrayList(c);
// myC is an ArrayList, with known properties

