dd/mm/yyyy vs dd/MM/yyyy?

2022-09-01 14:49:43
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
        String date = sdf.format(new Date()); 



 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/mm/yyyy"); 

结果可以是 23/05/2014,23/05/2014,23/06/2014 和儿子与每个运行 prgram。为什么会这样?

答案 1


答案 2

在 C# 和 VB.NET 中,区分大小写,尤其是设置“月”或“分钟”的格式。因为两个单词的初始字符是相同的。


1. d/D: day without 0 prefix on single digit. 
2. dd/DD: day with 0 prefix if single digit.
3. M: Month without 0 prefix on single digit.
4. MM: Month with 0 prefix if single digit.
5. yy/YY: Last two digit of year.
6. yyyy/YYYY: represents full year.
7. HH: 24 hour based hour. ie. 13:00. **H** will display hour without prefix 0 if single digit
8. hh: 12 hour based hour. ie. 01:00. **h** will display hour without prefix 0 if single digit
9. m: minute without 0 prefix on single digit. 
10.mm: minute with 0 prefix if single digit.
11.s: second without 0 prefix on single digit. 
12.ss: second with 0 prefix if single digit.
13.tt: represent the AM or PM