Java Generics (Wildcards)

2022-08-31 08:56:58


  1. 和 有什么区别?List<? extends T>List<? super T>

  2. 什么是有界通配符,什么是无界通配符?

答案 1

在您的第一个问题中,是有界通配符的示例。无界通配符看起来像 ,基本上意味着 。它松散地意味着泛型可以是任何类型。有界通配符(或)通过说它必须扩展特定类型(称为上限)或必须是特定类型的祖先(称为下限)来限制该类型。<? extends T><? super T><?><? extends Object><? extends T><? super T><? extends T><? super T>


答案 2


class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends B {}
class D extends B {}


List<? extends A> la;
la = new ArrayList<B>();
la = new ArrayList<C>();
la = new ArrayList<D>();

List<? super B> lb;
lb = new ArrayList<A>(); //fine
lb = new ArrayList<C>(); //will not compile

public void someMethod(List<? extends B> lb) {
    B b = lb.get(0); // is fine
    lb.add(new C()); //will not compile as we do not know the type of the list, only that it is bounded above by B

public void otherMethod(List<? super B> lb) {
    B b = lb.get(0); // will not compile as we do not know whether the list is of type B, it may be a List<A> and only contain instances of A
    lb.add(new B()); // is fine, as we know that it will be a super type of A 

有界通配符类似于 B 是某种类型。也就是说,类型是未知的,但可以在其上放置“绑定”。在这种情况下,它由某个类限定,该类是B的子类。? extends B
