Java 8 中的部分函数应用程序

2022-09-03 14:36:31

我想使用Java 8新引入的函数对象将遗留方法部分应用于某些参数。


 * Appends a {@code character} a couple of {@code times} to a {@code string}.
 * @return the string with the appended characters as a StringBuilder
private static StringBuilder appendChar(char character, int times, String string) {
    StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(string);
    for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
    return strBuilder;

答案 1


 * Pass two arguments. The created function accepts a String and
 * returns a StringBuilder
Function<String, StringBuilder> addEllipsis = appendToMe -> appendChar(
        '.', 3, appendToMe);
 * Pass one argument. This creates a function that takes another two
 * arguments and returns a StringBuilder
BiFunction<String, Integer, StringBuilder> addBangs = (appendToMe,
        times) -> appendChar('!', times, appendToMe);

// Create a function by passing one argument to another function
Function<String, StringBuilder> addOneBang = appendToMe -> addBangs
        .apply(appendToMe, 1);

StringBuilder res1 = addBangs.apply("Java has gone functional", 2);
StringBuilder res2 = addOneBang.apply("Lambdas are sweet");
StringBuilder res3 = addEllipsis.apply("To be continued");

有关 Java 函数对象的所有预定义变体的列表,请查看此处



 * Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
 * This is the three-arity specialization of {@link Function}.
 * @param <T>
 *            the type of the first argument to the function
 * @param <U>
 *            the type of the second argument to the function
 * @param <V>
 *            the type of the third argument to the function
 * @param <R>
 *            the type of the result of the function
 * @see Function
public interface TriFunction<T, U, V, R> {

    R apply(T t, U u, V v);


private static boolean manyArgs(String str, int i, double d, float f) {
    return true;


* Pass one of the arguments. This creates a function accepting three
* arguments.
TriFunction<Integer, Double, Float, Boolean> partiallyApplied = (i, d, f) ->
                                                           manyArgs("", i, d, f);

* Provide the rest of the arguments.
boolean res4 = partiallyApplied.apply(2, 3.0, 4.0F);
System.out.println("No time for ceremonies: " + res4);

答案 2