Java:如何执行整数除法,使其四舍五入为 -Infinity 而不是 0?

2022-09-04 08:35:31


JLS 15.17.2 表示整数除法四舍五入为零。如果我想要正除数的类似行为(我不关心负除数的行为),那么实现对所有输入的数值正确的最简单的方法是什么?floor()

int ifloor(int n, int d)
    /* returns q such that n = d*q + r where 0 <= r < d
     * for all integer n, d where d > 0
     * d = 0 should have the same behavior as `n/d`
     * nice-to-have behaviors for d < 0:
     *   option (a). same as above: 
     *     returns q such that n = d*q + r where 0 <= r < -d
     *   option (b). rounds towards +infinity:
     *     returns q such that n = d*q + r where d < r <= 0

long lfloor(long n, long d)
    /* same behavior as ifloor, except for long integers */


答案 1



答案 2




return n/d - ( ( n % d != 0 ) && ( (n<0) ^ (d<0) ) ? 1 : 0 );


public static long lfloordiv( long n, long d ) {

    long q = n/d;
    if( q*d == n ) return q;
    return q - ((n^d) >>> (Long.SIZE-1));

(为完整起见,使用 带舍入模式的 也是一个选项。BigDecimalROUND_FLOOR


public static long lfloordiv2( long n, long d ){

    if( d >= 0 ){
        n = -n;
        d = -d;
    long tweak = (n >>> (Long.SIZE-1) ) - 1;
    return (n + tweak) / d + tweak;
