Java - 十进制格式.parse 返回具有指定小数位数的双精度值

2022-09-04 07:15:42


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用户在 UI 中输入值 - 该值被输入到字符串中。规则是此值限制为小数点后 3 位。基础代码将值存储在数据库中,然后在计算中使用。因此,尾随的小数位将导致计算略微超出预期。


try {
        // output current locale we are running under (this happens to be "nl_BE")
        System.out.println( "Current Locale is " + Locale.getDefault().toString() );

        // number in Central European Format with a format string specified in UK format
        String numberCE = "1,234567"; // 1.234567
        String formatUK = "###,##0.000";

        // do the format
        DecimalFormat formatterUK = new DecimalFormat( formatUK );
        Double valCEWithUKFormat = formatterUK.parse( numberCE ).doubleValue();

        // I want the number to DPs in the format string!!!
        System.out.println( "CE Value     " + numberCE + " in UK format (" + formatUK + ") is "
        + valCEWithUKFormat );

    } catch( ParseException ex ) {
        System.out.println("Cannot parse number");


解析时是否可以强制 DecimalFormat 使用格式字符串?我错过了什么吗?



答案 1

DecimalFormat 用于两个不同的目的:解析输入和格式化输出。如果要同时执行这两项操作,则必须使用 format 对象两次。

如果要获取该值并设置输出格式,限制有效位数,则需要再次使用 format 对象。这次,它使用您的格式规则从数值创建输出字符串:

String output = formatterUK.format(valCEWithUKFormat.doubleValue() );


您似乎希望此数值以 1.235 格式显示。为此,您应该使用特定的区域设置来格式化输出(如果您的区域设置使用不同的格式)。


String text = "1,234567";
NumberFormat nf_in = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.GERMANY);
double val = nf_in.parse(text).doubleValue();

NumberFormat nf_out = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.UK);
String output = nf_out.format(val);


  • 输入解析应与输出格式分开。特别是当你开始投入多个语言环境时。
  • 允许标准库执行繁重的工作,以确定给定区域设置的有效输入值。您只需要选择适当的区域设置(我选择了德国,但这显然可以与其他人一起使用)。始终尽可能使用区域设置。不要尝试重新创建格式设置字符串。
  • 始终将输入值与任何输出格式分开存储。IE,如果您只想在输出中显示三位数字,那很好,但无论如何都要存储整个双精度值。

答案 2

根据您所说的,我稍微修改了我的代码以涵盖不同的区域设置。键是将本地化格式的值字符串转换为基于格式字符串舍入的 Double。


我正在使用DecimalFormat最初根据指定的区域设置解析本地化格式。这给出了字符串的双精度等效项。然后,我使用 BigDecimal 来处理舍入。我可以从DecimalFormat实例中获取小数位数,并在BigDecimal上调用setScale来执行舍入。



private void runTests3() {
    // output current locale we are running under
    System.out.println( "Current Locale is " + Locale.getDefault().toString() );

    // number in Central European Format with a format string specified in UK format
    String numbersInEuropeanFormatString[] = new String[] { "1.000,234567", "1,2345678", "1.222.333,234567" };
    String formatUK = "###,##0.0000";

    // output numbers using the german locale
    System.out.println("Output numbers using the German locale\n");
    for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
        formatNumberAsDouble(num, formatUK, Locale.GERMAN);

    // output numbers using the UK locale.  
    // this should return unexpected results as the number is in European format
    System.out.println("Output numbers using the UK locale\n");
    for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
        formatNumberAsDouble(num, formatUK, Locale.UK);

    // output numbers using new DecimalFormat( formatUK ) - no locale specified
    System.out.println("\n\nOutput numbers using new DecimalFormat( " + formatUK + " )\n");
    for(String num : numbersInEuropeanFormatString ) {
        formatNumberAsDouble( num, formatUK, null);

private void formatNumberAsDouble(String value, String format, Locale locale) {

    NumberFormat formatter;
    int decimalPlaces;

    // create the formatter based on the specified locale
    if( locale != null ) {
         formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(locale);
         // creating the above number format does not take in the format string
         // so create a new one that we won't use at all just to get the
         // decimal places in it
         decimalPlaces = (new DecimalFormat(format)).getMaximumFractionDigits();
    } else {
        formatter = new DecimalFormat( format );
        decimalPlaces = formatter.getMaximumFractionDigits();

    // get the result as number
    Double result = null;
    try {
        result = formatter.parse( value ).doubleValue();
    } catch( ParseException ex ) {
        // not bothered at minute

    // round the Double to the precision specified in the format string

    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(result );
    Double roundedValue = bd.setScale( decimalPlaces, RoundingMode.HALF_UP ).doubleValue();

    // output summary
    System.out.println("\tValue = " + value);
    System.out.println( locale == null  ? "\tLocale not specified" : "\tLocale = " + locale.toString());
    System.out.println( format == null || format.length() == 0 ? "\tFormat = Not specified" : "\tFormat = " + format);
    System.out.println("\tResult (Double) = " + result);
    System.out.println("\tRounded Result (Double) (" + decimalPlaces + "dp) = " + roundedValue);


Current Locale is nl_BE
Output numbers using the German locale

    Value = 1.000,234567
    Locale = de
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1000.234567
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1000.2346

    Value = 1,2345678
    Locale = de
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1.2345678
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2346

    Value = 1.222.333,234567
    Locale = de
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1222333.234567
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1222333.2346

Output numbers using the UK locale

    Value = 1.000,234567
    Locale = en_GB
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1.0
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.0

    Value = 1,2345678
    Locale = en_GB
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1.2345678E7
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2345678E7

    Value = 1.222.333,234567
    Locale = en_GB
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1.222
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.222

Output numbers using new DecimalFormat( ###,##0.0000 )

    Value = 1.000,234567
    Locale not specified
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1000.234567
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1000.2346

    Value = 1,2345678
    Locale not specified
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1.2345678
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1.2346

    Value = 1.222.333,234567
    Locale not specified
    Format = ###,##0.0000
    Result (Double) = 1222333.234567
    Rounded Result (Double) (4dp) = 1222333.2346