
2022-09-01 04:08:41


private static Map<String, Character> _typesMap =
        new HashMap<String, Character>() {
            put ("string", 'S');
            put ("normalizedString", 'N');
            put ("token", 'T');
            // (...)


答案 1

Collections.unmodifiableMap 保证地图不会被修改。如果要从方法调用返回内部映射的只读视图,则此功能非常有用,例如:

class A {
    private Map importantData;

    public Map getImportantData() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(importantData);



答案 2

卡梅隆·斯金纳(Cameron Skinner)上面关于“Collections.unmodifiableMap保证地图不会被修改”的陈述实际上只是部分正确,尽管它恰好对于问题中的特定示例是准确的(只是因为Character对象是不可变的)。我将用一个例子来解释。

Collections.unmodifiableMap 实际上只为您提供了保护,即对映射中保存的对象的引用无法更改。它通过限制返回的地图中的“put”来做到这一点。但是,原始封装的映射仍然可以从类外部进行修改,因为 Collections.unmodifiableMap 不会对映射的内容进行任何复制。


import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class SeeminglyUnmodifiable {
   private Map<String, Point> startingLocations = new HashMap<>(3);

   public SeeminglyUnmodifiable(){
      startingLocations.put("LeftRook", new Point(1, 1));
      startingLocations.put("LeftKnight", new Point(1, 2));
      startingLocations.put("LeftCamel", new Point(1, 3));
      //..more locations..

   public Map<String, Point> getStartingLocations(){
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(startingLocations);

   public static void main(String [] args){
     SeeminglyUnmodifiable  pieceLocations = new SeeminglyUnmodifiable();
     Map<String, Point> locations = pieceLocations.getStartingLocations();

     Point camelLoc = locations.get("LeftCamel");
     System.out.println("The LeftCamel's start is at [ " + camelLoc.getX() +  ", " + camelLoc.getY() + " ]");

     //Try 1. update elicits Exception
        locations.put("LeftCamel", new Point(0,0));  
     } catch (java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException e){
        System.out.println("Try 1 - Could not update the map!");

     //Try 2. Now let's try changing the contents of the object from the unmodifiable map!

     //Now see whether we were able to update the actual map
     Point newCamelLoc = pieceLocations.getStartingLocations().get("LeftCamel");
     System.out.println("Try 2 - Map updated! The LeftCamel's start is now at [ " + newCamelLoc.getX() +  ", " + newCamelLoc.getY() + " ]");       }


The LeftCamel's start is at [ 1.0, 3.0 ]
Try 1 - Could not update the map!
Try 2 - Map updated! The LeftCamel's start is now at [ 0.0, 0.0 ]

startingLocations 映射是封装的,并且只能通过利用 getStartingLocations 方法中的 Collections.unmodifiableMap 返回。但是,通过访问任何对象然后更改它来破坏该方案,如上面代码中的“Try 2”所示。可以说,如果地图中保存的对象本身是不可变的,那么只能依靠 Collections.unmodifiableMap 来给出一个真正不可修改的地图。如果不是,我们希望复制映射中的对象,或者以其他方式限制对对象的修饰符方法的访问(如果可能)。